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Apr 30, 2020

This week we interview David Burkus, one of the world’s leading business thinkers, David Burkus’ forward-thinking ideas and bestselling books are changing how companies approach innovation, collaboration, and productivity.

As a skilled researcher and inspiring communicator, Burkus’ award-winning books have been...

Apr 23, 2020

In this episode, we interview Angie Lienert, CEO of IntelliGenesis. Angie shares her inspiring personal story and lessons learned in her career.

Angie founded IntelliGenesis in 2007 with a dedication to keeping our soldiers safe through the improved analysis and protection of the USA’s National Security Missions.


Apr 16, 2020

In this episode, we interview Dr. John Hurrell, who is the Chief Commercial Officer for Jana Care. He has held senior executive roles globally for companies in the Lifesciences. He shares lessons learned in his career and how to manage teams in a time of crisis. He has also served as Advisor to several global...